Thursday, December 30, 2010

Fashionable Asians 100+ Followers Giveaway & Blog Award

Last month, I hit 100+ followers and as a THANK YOU I decided to do a mini giveaway! These two items have been my favorite things in 2010 [The kawaii usamimi headband trend and the Mulberry for Target line.]
Mulberry for Target crossbody purse
[just big enough to put a cell phone and lipgloss in ;P]
Usamimi [Bunny Ears] headband from Japan
[can be worn as a headband or scarf, lie flat as a bow or pointy for bunny ears!]

Rules to Enter [4 chances to win!]:
1. Must be a public Fashionable Asians follower via Google Friend Connect [+1 entry]
2. For an extra chance to win, follow Fashionable Asians via Bloglovin' or Fave on Chictopia [+1 entry]
3. Post this giveaway on your blog post or sidebar with the first photo [+2 entries]
4. MUST DO TO ENTER: Leave me a comment below with your email and let me know which you've done. You can also let me know which Fashionable Asian you'd like to see featured on my blog this year!

Giveaway deadline is January 15th, 2010 12:00am EST

Thank you all for following and supporting my blog, it means a lot to me! I've gotten to know a lot of fabulous and interesting bloggers in the past 5 months and I'm looking forward to getting to know you gals even more this year!

The lovely gal over at Oomph gave me a Stylish Blogger Award and I happily accept! Thank you so much for picking me! I love all the looks that she puts together and I feel that we have similar taste in clothing. She's FABULOUS, so go check her out:
Rules to accept the award are:
1. thank the person who gave you the award
2. share seven facts about yourself
3. give the appreciation and award to seven bloggers, and let them know of their given award

7 Facts about me:
1. I started this blog because I missed working in fashion (I interned at Rebecca Taylor during my senior yr of college) and felt that this would be a great outlet for me to sound off on my opinions of the latest fashion trends, etc. I decided to dedicate it to Asian fashion and celebrities because I felt that we weren't getting a lot of love in the media. It's not very often that I flip open an American fashion magazine and see an Asian model or go to a website where they give a full fashion rundown on an Asian Award show. All in all, I have mad Asian pride! haha
2. I rarely buy clothes that aren't on sale. I loves me a bargain ;)
3. I like to make my own jewelry, mostly earrings and bracelets.
4. I have been addicted to vampire novels long before Twilight (I liked the books more than the movies, even though Meyer isn't that great of a writer :P). Recently finished the last book in the Vampire Academy series, so good!!!
5. Breakfast at Tiffany's is my all time favorite movie.
6. The only instrument I can play is the clarinet.
7. I speak fluent Cantonese and Mandarin, passable Spanish (although I sound like a native speaker cause my mom can speak it fluently and she always corrects me till I get it right !_!) and I am currently teaching myself Japanese and Korean via iPod apps and idol dramas xD

I'd like to pass this award to 7 other Fashionable Asian bloggers whom I've been following and admiring this past year:
1. Michelle at MichelleEsque
2. Annie at WhatAnnieWears
3. Jenny at JennyFromTheBlock
4. Eli at BoboLeeStyle
5. Aileen at AileenClarisse
6. Jen & Sherry at Jennifer & Sherry
7. Jen at HerWaiseChoice

I hope everyone has a Happy, Healthy and Stylish New Year!
And I really hope it doesn't snow anymore in NY!

I leave you with this picture of me standing in knee-high (I'm only 5 ft tall) snow trying to shovel my car out, the aftermath of the after X-mas blizzard @_@

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